The Most Beautiful Love Affair

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The MOST beautiful love affair!
This book has been written for conscientious Muslims who want to have strong, loving and fulfilling relationships with their spouses and who aspire to raise righteous children. To work towards this, the book sets out the imperative to address our relationship with The Most-Loving, Al-Wadud, through whose love and worship we build the foundation of our family life. 
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"The Most Beautiful Love Affair" has been set out over 3 CHAPTERS; each which builds on the other with a focus on 3 KEY RELATIONSHIPS
  • Relationship with YOUR Creator
  • ​Relationship with YOUR Spouse
  • ​Relationship with YOUR Children
Due to the encompassing nature of the book, it is an invaluable resource for those who are looking at getting married, for those married and wanting to strengthen their relationship, and for those with children who aspire to raise them as righteous Muslims. 

We hope and pray that this book will aid you in building a harmonious marriage and family life and full of the blessings.
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  • ARTICLES: More than a dozen beneficial articles - FREE!
  • ​EBOOK: Increasing your Rizq & beating the cost of living crisis - FREE! 
  • ​​FREE COURSE: How to build your Muslim family - FREE!
  • ​​VIDEO SERIES: How to improve your marriage, parenting and family life - FREE!
  • ​ONLINE SUMMIT: A LIVE summit featuring 15 world-renowned teachers - FREE!
  • ​LIVE SESSIONS: Facebook LIVE sessions of great benefit for you & family - FREE!
Muslims in modern developed societies are facing unprecedented challenges. They are getting married, raising families and caring for their elderly in ways that are very different from their parents' generation. 

The challenges that Muslim families face are many and varied; whether marital, parental, emotional, psychological to social and even political pressures which can challenge the very core of our childrens’ Muslim identity and Islamic values. 
▪️ Difficulties finding a suitable marriage partner.
▪️ Lack of love and marital intimacy; leading to unhappy and unfulfilled marriages 
▪️ Dealing with difficult in-laws and extended family. 
▪️ Soaring divorce rates.
▪️ Access to kids after divorce 
▪️ Children who are disrespectful and disobedient
▪️ Schooling and raising practising children
▪️ Keeping children safe online and on the streets
▪️ Teens and young adults having premarital relationships 

▪️ Islamophobia, racism and discrimination;  

▪️ Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in schools.

▪️The normalisation of LBGTQ and gender fluidity

As we can see, Muslim families have many challenges, some which they share with mainstream society; many, however are unique to them. Sadly there is a lack of relevant, practical and accessible resources and support which families can access and relate to. 

There are some great resources out there; however they are scattered, even hidden, buried deeply in lengthy works, courses, or videos across social media, which take time to uncover, decipher and internalise. Many of our Imams, though providing a great service locally, are ill-equipped to help us tackle these issues.

This is where My Muslim Family comes in.

My Muslim Family aims to build a community of Muslim families that are loving and strong, focused on the hereafter and high achieving. We aim to do this by inspiring a learning culture through curating the very best digitally based resources, with the best minds that are relatable, practical and accessible so they fit peoples busy lifestyles. 
Download My Muslim Family's FREE ebook today - "The Most Beautiful Love Affair" and discover, learn and implement beautiful ideas into your family life to bring you closer to your loved ones and ultimately Allah s.w.t. 
My Muslim Family's
Islamic Scholars & Teachers
Imam Omar Suleiman
 is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He is also the Resident Scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co-Chair Emeritus of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi
Sh. Yasir Qadhi has a Bachelors in Hadith and a Masters in Theology from the Islamic University of Madinah, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from Yale University. He is an instructor and Dean of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib, and the Resident Scholar of the Memphis Islamic Center.
Sheikh Abdurraheem Green
is a British convert to Islam who is known in some Muslim communities for his work in Dawah, both in televised formal settings and informal contexts such as Hyde Park’s Speakers Corner. He is the chairman of the Islamic Education and Research Academy.
Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim
Specialist in Spirituality and Qur’an. Studied Tafsir, Fiqh and Hadith with scholars from Hijaz and Egypt. Educates on domestic violence, misogyny, gender discrimination, child protection, disability and mental health. Awarded West Australian Multicultural Community Service Award for Individual Excellence.
Sheikh Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
Sheikh Abdur-Raheem is an Irish-American who accepted Islam in 1994 and traveled to Sudan to study Islam. He was accepted into the Islamic University of Madinah and enrolled into the Arabic Institute and then graduated from the faculty of Da’wah and Usool Ad-Deen.
Sheikh Alaa El Sayed
Sheikh Alaa studied for his Bachelors in Shariah from the American International University and earned a scholarship from the Shari’ah Academy/Mishkah University in Florida. Sheikh Alaa has studied comparative religion for five years through the IPCI in South Africa.
Ustadha Na'ima B. Robert
Over the past 20 years, Na’ima B. Robert has been telling stories and helping other women tell theirs. As a trail-blazing author of over 20 diverse fiction titles for children and teens, as well as the bestselling memoir, ‘From My Sisters’ Lips’, Na’ima’s work has been read, studied, debated and translated multiple times, all around the world.
Sheikh Omar Hajjaj
Sheikh Omar studied Anthropology at university following which he gained a BA degree from the faculty of Shariah at the Islamic University of Madina. During his time in Madina he studied Tafsir closely with Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Muhammed Al-Ameen Asshinqitee and Sheikh Khaled Afifi.
Ustadh Yusuf Chambers
He is a prominent da`ee who delivers lectures around the country. Yusuf has also traveled extensively to give dawah including Mexico, India and Kuwait. He is also a regular on many television channels including Peace TV and Islam Channel. He is also currently an ambassador for the UK humanitarian aid charity, One Ummah.
Ustadh Asif Uddin
Ustadh Asif was born and raised in the UK and graduated in Business and Information Technology from the University of North London. He has been heavily involved in the Da’wah from the time he was at university. He has studied the Islamic sciences in Mauritania, Egypt and Qatar, and continues that journey today.
Ustadh Umer Suleman
Ustadh Umer was born and raised in South London and studied Economics at the Royal Holloway University of London. He is a specialist in Islamic Finance and currently serves as the Global Head of Risk for Wahed, a global Islamic Fintech, as well as serving on the Board of the UKIFC and the Islamic Council Finance Advisory under the guidance of several established Scholars.
Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
A Darul Uloom, Bury graduate who also studied at Jamiah Uloom Al-Islamiyyah, Banori Town and concluded with an ijaazah to teach from Darul Uloom, Newcastle, South Africa where Shaykh Zahir Mahmood benefitted from the teaching and guidance of erudite scholars like Molana Qasim Sema (may Allah preserve them).
Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla
Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla is Director of Muslim Womanhood Foundation, a British Islamic scholar, author and presenter of the IlmFeed Podcast. She is currently an Aziz Foundation Scholar pursuing an MA in Islamic Law at the University of London.
Dr Salman Butt
Dr. Salman studied Biochemistry at Imperial College London followed by a PhD in Chemical Biology. During his years at university he became involved in Islamic society da’wah and activism, and general Muslim community projects. He is the Chief Editor at Islam21c.
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  • ​ONLINE SUMMIT: A LIVE summit featuring 15 world-renowned teachers - FREE!
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